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Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Daily Tonic || Making the Best Decisions (4)

Text- Proverbs 16:9 – “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps”

You cannot take a flight going to Colorado, and expect to land in Illinois. That’s another way to reaffirm that “Your decisions today will determine your destiny tomorrow!” This has been the central point of our discussion for some days now.

There is this old saying that “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything”. This also holds true when it comes to decision making; if there are no disciplines in your life, your decisions may be misguided.

Going by that notion, it becomes clear that another thing that aids in making the best decisions are your DISCIPLINES.

You see, the right disciplines and standards you are subscribed to will preserve you in the day that dangerous options and offers look attractive. For example, a Christian discipline concerning relationships and marriage is stated in 2 Corinthians 6:14:

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?”

An unbeliever may be good looking, smart and all, but he/she is still under the influence of the devil. I hike how a man of God puts it: “You do not want to have the devil as your father-in-law”… So then, this discipline is one of the tools that guide a Christian to make the best decision when it comes to marriage.

Asides scriptural standards and disciplines, there are other noble disciplines that may be valuable in diverse fields of life, or even for particular individuals. Take for example; I have disciplined myself never to buy things impulsively.

So whenever I’m going to a mall, I go with a list; and I don’t buy anything that is not on my list. Even if I see something I really like, I only take note of it and add it to my wish list – sometimes, I buy it later; sometimes I just forget about it. This discipline has helped me to make the best decisions many times in my spending.

If there is any area of your life where you are not disciplined, you will make a lot of regrettable decisions there. Moreover, disciplines grow to become habits; in other words, with long-term adherence, they become ingrained into your very personality, and function with automaticity.

Beloved, begin to cultivate valuable disciplines in all the areas of your life – Spiritually, academically, financially, martially, professionally, and in all other areas. Those disciplines will guide you and preserve you on the day of critical decisions.


Lord, I receive grace to cultivate right disciplines in all areas of my life, and to faithfully adhere to them without compromise. By these disciplines, Father, preserve me from making regrettable decisions in Jesus Name.

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