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Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Daily Tonic || Making the Best Decisions (6)

Text- Proverbs 16:9 – “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps”

“Your decisions today will determine your destiny tomorrow!” This truth must become a watchword you live by because whether you like it or not, the quality of life you lead is proportional to the quality of your decisions.

As we have discussed in the past few days, making the best decisions in life is aided by your discernment, discoveries, discipline and discretions.

In addition to these, another tool that will aid in making the best decision is implied in Proverbs 11:14 – “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”

Here we see that another tool that aids in making the best decision is DISCUSSION.

Bible says here that when a person lacks wise and sound counsel, he will inevitably fall into ruin and destruction, or into schemes which bring them to it. However, as that verse says, “In the multitude of counsellors there is safety”

I like how John Gill explains this phrase in his exposition, “Because what one may miss another may hit upon; and, if they agree in their advice, it may be the more depended upon; and, if not, yet their different sentiments being compared together, and the reasons of them, a person may the better judge which is best to follow, and what is fit to be done”

Beloved, if you will make the best decisions, you must surround yourself with wise and good counselors; people who you trust to guide you right, and whose opinion must matter a great deal to you.

Beyond surrounding yourself with these people, you must make it a duty to discuss with them before you make major decisions. You will often find it to your advantage to take advice from them, even when the counsel seems not to be pleasant to you.

Particularly, you must never forget to take counsel from people who genuinely care about you; and people who have clear expertise or more experience in the area where you are making the decision.

You must also never forget to ask your staff, client, customers or consumers for advice when making certain critical decisions as regards your company business or products. In addition, you must learn to tune out bad and unhelpful advice, and focus on those that give you valuable guidance.

You must know the right people to seek counsel from, so that you don’t end up wasting your time and being misguided. PRAYER Father, please keep me safe by multitude of counselors and help me not to be stubborn, but to humbly take sound advice in Jesus Name.

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