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Daily Tonic || Generational Flows

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- 2 Corinthians 10:4 – “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds”

In this modern age, people are quick to ask for empirical evidence before they accept anything as true. We have heard of those geologists who dug far into the earth’s crust, hoping to find the location of hell; some anatomists have done dissections to locate the soul of man… These things are realities, but they exist in a realm not perceivable by the physical senses.

When it comes to demons, and spirit beings in general, they cannot be perceived by the physical senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. However, the effects of their activities are usually visible and evident.

There are certain things to watch out for in recognizing a demonic stronghold. The first, and most common, is generational flows – Something (usually negative) that is common to a lineage.

Such flows could affect everyone in the lineage or just a select few (All males, all females, all firstborns, etc.). Generational flows could be recognized when negative histories are being repeated, or when negative prophecy is being fulfilled.

Take for example, Abraham’s first born – Ishmael, being the child of a bondwoman, could not carry the promise. Isaac was the one who carried it. Isaac’s firstborn – Esau, due to the profanity of his heart sold his birthright to Jacob. Jacob’s first born – Reuben, slept with his father’s wife and received a curse instead of the blessing… All these show a pattern of negative history being repeated.

We also read of a king in the Bible, called Jeconiah (Coniah). God, speaking through prophet Jeremiah cursed him in Jer. 22:30 saying no man of his lineage shall prosper. Zerubbabel, a grandson of Jeconiah, was building the house of the Lord, yet he wasn’t prospering. That was the fulfilment of negative prophecy.

It is true that the problems of sin, sickness and curses are dealt with already by the finished work of Christ on the cross, but just as we must appropriate this finished work as we daily battle with temptation, and the frailty of the human body, we must also appropriate this finished work when it comes to the issue of negative generational flows.

Paul said in 1 Cor. 2:11, “Lest satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices”. Beloved, if there be any trace of repetition of negative history or fulfilment of negative prophecy in your life, I want you to stand upon the reality of the finished work of Christ today and subdue such strongholds.

It is important to mention that you may need to talk to a man of God, or a matured Christian and get help and guidance from them, where needed.


I pull down every demonic stronghold in my life, family and region today. I will neither repeat negative history nor fulfil negative prophecy in the name of Jesus.



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