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Daily Tonic || Don’t Serve Mammon (2)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Matthew 6:24 – “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon”

Yesterday, I showed us how Jesus taught about money more than almost every other thing he taught about during his earthly life and ministry. The only one subject matter that Jesus taught about more than he did on money is the Kingdom of God.

In fact, many of the times he talked about money, it was in reference to the kingdom of God. The facts in themselves are highly instructive… God recognizes that money matter is serious matter, but then he taught that kingdom matter must be zealous matter.

That is why I believe and will always tell people, “Be serious in your pursuit of money and be zealous in your pursuit of the kingdom. If you misplace either of these, your life will either be lived in frustration or your eternity in damnation”

The goal of the devil is to either make you unserious about money matters, or to make you transfer your zeal from kingdom matters to money matters. He will stop at nothing to either make you poor, or make money your god.

When your zeal is transferred to the pursuit of money, you have allowed mammon to capture your heart, and when you are unserious about money matters, you have allowed folly into your heart, and poverty will enter into your ‘bedroom’.

I want you to observe what Jesus said in our text, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon” The word “serve” there is further broken down into two… “love and devotion”

Love of money is more of a problem to those who have tasted poverty. These people know what money change in their lives; so they apply their affection towards money, and towards its pursuit. They will stop at nothing to ‘get rich quick’

Devotion to money is more of a problem to those who have enjoyed affluence. They fear what poverty may look like, so they will go to any length to guard, protect and amass more wealth to themselves.

Jesus refers to us as His bride, and for our relationship with him to thrive; there must be mutual love and devotion. When you transfer your love and/or devotion to money, away from the Lord and His kingdom, you are inadvertently jeopardizing your marriage to the lamb!

For what shall it profit a man if he gains the entire world, and loses his own soul!


Lord, I choose to love you and remain devoted to you. I choose to serve you with my finances and material possessions. Help me to be a faithful steward of the financial and material blessings you entrust me with in Jesus Name.

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