Text- Hebrews 1:13-14 – "But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thy enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"
An average occultist understands the operations of demons. He knows how to summon them and invoke their presence; he knows how to provoke them to action. But sadly, the same cannot be said about the average Christian when it comes to the ministry of angels.
In fact, most Christians somehow believe in the reality of demons and take them more seriously than they do of angels, and this should not be so! Tell an average Christian has most likely been taught to pray against demons, but may never have learnt how to summon angels.
Can you imagine that one of the most ancient questions that have been asked about angels, especially in philosophical circles is “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” You can search on Google; check Wikipedia, Quora and co.
The question is all over the place, and there are many arguments and counterarguments on it. That shows you how much the devil has darkened the hearts of men about the subject of Angels.
The devil has bastardized the subject of angels so much so that what people are busy arguing about, amongst all things, is the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin. What a shame!
This problem is not peculiar to the secular world alone. Even in the Church, there seems to be great lack of instruction and understanding concerning the true nature and function of angels.
But you see, if we truly desire to know the truth about the nature and ministry of angels, there is no other place than from the Bible to derive accurate information and enlightenment. The KJV Bible mentions angels a total of 289 times, many of which are neither fictional stories nor parables. In fact, more than one-third of these references tell real stories of how angels appeared and engaged in conversations with men, helping them to know the plans of God and how to live before God.
Beloved, if we are to go by the narratives of the Bible, no one can deny the reality of the existence and ministry of angels. What more? The Bible says that they are sent to minister to us who are the heirs of salvation.
How well have you maximized the ministry of angels? Bible says in Psalm 103:20 that the angels excel in strength and hearken to the voice of God’s words. Get a scripture today, confess it, and command angels to execute those words concerning you. You will be amazed at the results!
Lord, help me to understand the reality of the existence of angels, and to fully maximize their ministry in my daily living and experiences in Jesus Name.
Image Credit: reviveourhearts.com