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Daily Tonic || The Ministry of Angels (4)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Hebrews 1:13-14 – "But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thy enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”

Have you seen popular paintings of angels before? What do you see – a baby with diapers and two tiny wings! Really, I wonder where that idea was gotten from.

In my opinion, it is one of the schemes of the devil to confuse our minds on what angels really look like, and the measure of power they possess… After all, what can a little baby with tiny wings possibly do to assist full grown men like us!

The devil knows that believers who have a full grasp and accurate understanding of the ministry of angels will become colossal forces against his operations on the earth, so he devises all sorts of schemes to abuse our minds on the reality of the existence and ministry of angels.

Thus far in this study, we have considered two of the seven major ministry of angels in the lives and affairs of believers – Intervention and Admonition. We will continue on that today.

3. Revelation

There are numerous times in the Bible that angels came to reveal (or as it were, announce) the plans of God.

In Luke 1:26-33, angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and reveled to her that she would be the mother of the Messiah. The angel also revealed to her in verse 36 that her cousin, Elizabeth was pregnant with child.

After the angel had admonished Joseph to carry Jesus to Egypt, to save him from the wrath of Herod, the same angel appeared again to Joseph in Matthew 2:19-20, revealing to him that Herod, and they that seek the child’s life were already dead.

In Judges 13, it was an angel who revealed the birth of Samson, and the details of his destiny and consecrations to his parents, Manoah and his wife.

It was also an angel who appeared to Zechariah in Luke 1:11 to reveal to him that his wife would be pregnant.

The angel also revealed the details of John’s life assignment, and even told him what name the child should be called. The angelic ministry of revelation is very real, and is still active today. You can sure benefit from it, be it in a dream, or through physical apparition.


Lord, please give me more understanding of the reality of the existence of angels, and help me to fully maximize their ministry of revelation in my daily living and experiences in Jesus Name.

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