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Who Is a Christian?

Isaac Jammeh

Literally, the word "Christianity" is not in the Old Testament, but this does not mean that Christianity began in the New Testament.

Christianity is NOT a religion, but living the lifestyle of Jesus Christ. In fact, the word "Christian" was first used to refer to the disciples in the city of Antioch, in the country presently called Turkey.

So, bearing the name Peter, Paul, John, Mary, Susan, Esther, Ruth, Pastor, Rev, Deacon, Priest, are not what makes one Christians. For one to be a Christian, the lifestyle of Jesus Christ must be active in him/her daily.

In the Gospel of St John, chapter three, Jesus Christ had a conversation with Nicodemus about how one can enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus clearly told Nicodemus that he must be Born Again to enter the Kingdom of God.

This Born Again is the only guaranteed way for one to enter the Kingdom of God, and it can happen three categories:

1. Conviction The scripture says, all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God. Conviction comes when one acknowledges or personally realizes that he/she is not holy as God. Conviction will make someone know that they are not worthy to stand before God. And conviction will also make someone guilty, unworthy and in need of help.

2. Confession The scriptures says, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Confession doesn't necessarily mean speaking out your sins only, but also to take responsibility of those sins. In other words, it is not about saying everyone is a sinner or everyone committed the same sin, but a focus on your own sins.

3.Repentance This is when you realize that you cannot help out yourself, you are truly sorry for the sins you committed, and you ask God to forgive you. Repentance comes with change of attitudes and a life filled with the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus.

These three will make man to be in need of the Saviour, and he/she will seek and find this Savior, which is Jesus Christ. But as long as you have never experienced or did the above three, you are only religious and will not enter the Kingdom of God.

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