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Daily Tonic || Let’s Talk About Sin

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text – Romans 5:19 –“For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.”

The subject of sin is a subject that has caused so much controversy among believers. The arguments have been on for a very long time, but in recent times, more serious attention has been given to this subject.

Some say, a believer cannot sin, he can only make mistakes. They say, even if the believers does anything wrong, God does not see it. According to this view, even if a ‘Christian’ goes to sleep with another man’s wife, all God sees in him is the righteousness of Jesus!

Another view even says that sin does not exist anymore! They say that sin was nailed to the cross with Jesus, and that when Jesus resurrected, He did not rise up with sin. According to this view, that was the last time sin was seen in the world, so no man has the capacity to sin anymore!

I cannot but wonder what Bible these people are reading. They talk as though sin is not a serious issue; as though holiness is not something to passionately pursue; as if the death and resurrection of Christ gives us a license to live recklessly.

We see from scriptures that Sin is of three types. While these three types of sin fall under the broad name, SIN – They are to be understood separately as scriptures teach.

1. The Original Sin

This was the sin that Adam committed in the Garden of Eden; it was this original sin that led to the fall of mankind. Bible makes us to understand in Romans 5:12 that by the sin of Adam, sin entered the world, and all of humanity became sinners by nature.

2. Imputed Sin

The original sin of Adam was imputed on all of mankind; this means that not only do we have a part in the original sin (the sinful nature, and all the evil tendencies, desires, and dispositions that come with it), but also that we are as guilty as Adam was and are likewise condemned to the wrath of God.

3. Personal Sin

These are the acts of sin that a man commits by himself, basically by acting on the evil tendencies, desires, and dispositions that comes with the sinful nature in him.

When Jesus died on the cross, he became the second Adam, that by His obedience, many should be made righteous.

As we see in our text, this means that when we accept Jesus as our Lord and savior, the nature of sin is dealt with, and we no longer have a part in the Original Sin. This is purely a free work of grace, and excludes any human effort or work.


Thank God for the free work of grace, by which you are saved. If you are not yet born again, kindly go to page 66 and say the prayer of salvation.

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