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Guard Your Soul Jealousy

Simon P Mendy

In crop farming, It is surprising to know that some seeds can be infected, for instance, one can discover that the outer cover of a groundnut always looks healthier than the peanut inside even if something is wrong with the seed in it.

The cause of an infected seed is as a result of a certain arthropod organism that was able to enter through a groundnut shell into the seed usually when the seed is still young. Now when this happens, the arthropod organism survives on the seeds and not the shell. When this occurs, you notice that the life of those seeds are destroyed and eventually they become unproductive.

This illustration depicts how sin invades and destroys a man’s soul; in it we have read that an arthropod organism enters the seed of a crop and destroys the life out of it, likewise is sin to the soul of man. Arthropod organisms enter through the shell to the seed when the seed is young. So despite its size, sin does the same to man's soul yet what we need to understand is that a sin is like the Arthropod, it is capable of germinating alongside with the seed. Take a look at the mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32; Mustard seeds are very small and thin yet they could sprout and grow into a big tree.

As a hen jealously guards its chicks against its enemies so also should we do to our souls against sin. Sin destroys the life out of our souls. And this is the life of our souls that is meant to germinate in the kingdom of God and in Christ Jesus. For this reason, we, therefore, need to stand firm to jealously guard our souls so that sin may not enter and eat up the life on it.

Satan, the planter of the seeds of sin is moving around to plant so if we keep a space for him to do so, then he will, but if we resist him and guard our souls jealously, he’ll not. So let us stay awake always and be on guard by feeding ourselves with the true Word of God.

Have a personal study of the Word and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal the unknown and also watered that Word to grow.

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