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Daily Tonic || Consider Your Ways (2)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Haggai 1:7 – “Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways”

We started considering this text yesterday, and we established that it is expedient for us to regularly examine and audits our lives, and make adjustments where necessary. This is more expedient during times of predicament and seasons of transition.

Being that we are in December, a month of transition, it is needful for us to begin to audit our lives and start making adjustments as we prepare for the coming year.

Looking through the prophecy of Haggai, he brought the word of the Lord to the people, telling them twice (Hag. 1: 5,7) to consider their ways. Leading up to verse 5 when God first told them to consider their ways, let’s see what Haggai said:

“Then the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, saying, “How is it that it’s the ‘right time’ for you to live in your fine new homes while the Home, God’s Temple, is in ruins?” Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways!” - Haggai 1:3-5

Beloved, as we round off this year, I want you consider your ways in relation to God’s cause. Have you been faithful in being a part of God’s work or you have majorly been consumed with the run-arounds of your own life.

Consider your ways; how you have been spending your time. You deem it fit to spend your time to make your own life and that of your family better, but have you deemed it fit to spend quality time to contribute to the work of God, or in the house of God.

Beloved, consider your ways; how have you been spending your money. You spend a lot of money to give yourself and your family all the good things of life, and a good standard of living, but have you given well enough to support the work of God, and the house of God?

Again, consider your ways; how you have been using your talents. You use your talents to amuse friends, family and fans, maybe to accumulate some fame and money too. How much of your talent have you used for kingdom service?

Like the Israelites in Haggai’s day, many people nowadays are comfortable when their own personal interests are satisfied, not minding whether or not God’s house was in ruins.

Are you satisfied with life and all the good things it can afford, while God’s work is suffering for lack of faith, resources, and personal effort?

Have you put yourself, your desires and your satisfaction first before God, and his work?

Has God blessed you in 2018, and you have done little of nothing to appreciate him in return?

If these be so, consider your ways and make amends as we approach 2019.


Father, I have considered my ways today. I repent of every form of selfishness, ingratitude towards you and nonchalance towards your work. I ask for your divine help as I begin to make amends in Jesus Name.

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