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Daily Tonic || Christmas Is Here!

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a saviour, which is Christ the Lord”

Christmas season is here again, and before we get lost in the midst of all the festivity, let me quickly point back our attentions to the reason for the season – Jesus Christ. The whole essence of the celebration of Christmas is the birth of Jesus.

Have you ever taken time out to meditate on the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ? Although many people, even unbelievers, have heard the story of Jesus’ birth – born by a virgin, in a manger bla bla bla – its real significance may be missed because we have become so familiar with the “story”.

The birth of Christ was not the ordinary birth of an ordinary man. It was the birth of the most unique Person in history. His birth was the incarnation of God Himself. In other words, God, (the only God himself) became a man. The significance of this is profound and will take all eternity for us to appreciate.

The conception and birth of Jesus Christ was the mingling of God with humanity. It was the initiation of a game-changing process in the eternal scheme of events. Such a thing had never occurred before!

John 1:14 says that the Word, the eternal God Himself, became flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. That is to say, the eternal God in all His Glory, Splendor and Majesty stepped out of eternity into time to become a man of flesh and blood.

Through Jesus' incarnation, God was expressed in a human body. Born by a virgin in the manger in Bethlehem of Judea, Jesus fully expressed the very God in all His rich being and Person to mankind- His love, mercy, righteousness, holiness, compassion, and glory. All these were and till this day, still are expressed in the physical life and times of Jesus, the Christ.

Beloved, the first that we must celebrate during Christmas as we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ is that He was not an ordinary man born on this planet; He is more than a holy man, a prophet, or a martyr. He is the complete, eternal God who came in the flesh. This is a fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith.

Beloved, by believing this fundamental truth – that Lord Jesus Christ is the "God-Man" who lived a perfect human life that expressed the true God, and by accepting Him as our Lord, we are saved. This is what give Christmas a special meaning.

If you have not confessed Jesus, I encourage you to do so today. Furthermore, I want to implore you to give Jesus Christ a ‘birthday gift’ – lead a soul to Christ this Christmas!


Lord Jesus, please let me not be carried away by the festivities, but rather to focus on you, who is the reason for the season, in Jesus Name.

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