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Reaffirmation of Your Faith

Isaac Jammeh

We are still in the Christmas season, and also the end of the year. It is only by the grace of God that we are still alive. This grace is a period (time) for you to be reconciled to God and be among His other sons and daughters.

Below are some of the personal questions you can answer, and your answers can be eternal.

  1. Do you believe sin is real?

  2. Do you believe sin is death?

  3. Do you believe sin is separation from God?

  4. Are you a sinner?

  5. Do you believe that forgiveness is to reconcile to God and also live a new life?

  6. Are you sure your sins are forgiven?

  7. Are you sure if you die now, you are going to meet God in Heaven?

What is sin?

Sin is disobedience to God and His Word.

Types of Sin

A. Idolatry (something you love more than God)

B. Disobeying can only disobey their parents when the parents are wrong. C. Lying (this includes deceit, hypocrisy, and gossip) D. Wrong sex (sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman). E. Murder (this includes hate) F. Jealous (this includes craftiness) G. Lust (looking or dramatizing at someone, pictures or videos lustfully). H. Stealing (this includes taking or copying from someone without their authorities, and also greed). I. Pride (this includes judging and condemning others).

Keeping all the above, but break just one is what makes someone a sinner (separation from God). Only one sin is enough to keep you in Hell forever. Yes, someone can say I kept all these since birth, but how about comparing yourself to pure love. Do you love as God loves? If you don't, you are still separated from God.

I know many of us are so religious; we were baptized, confirmed, ordained, and also involved heavily in our local church activities, but yet there is no assurance of salvation in us.

If you believe that you are a sinner, guilty, sorry, and need the Saviour. Or you are going to church but never sure of your salvation, please pray the following prayers. This prayer will be the greatest decision you will ever make in this coming year and beyond.


Heavenly Father, I am a sinner, I am guilty and sorry for the sins I committed. I believed you sent Jesus Christ to die for my sins. I ask you to wash me with the blood of Jesus Christ. From this day on, Jesus Christ, your only begotten Son, is the Lord of my life. I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit that I can live this Christ life. I pray all these in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

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