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Daily Tonic || Run The Race

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- 2 Kings 4:24 – “Then She saddled an ass, and said to her servant, drive, go forward, slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee”

This is the 2019 we have all been waiting for. Yesterday is gone, today is here, tomorrow is just by the corner; and three days would have gone already of the 365 days of the ‘not so new’ year.

You see, before you know it, the year would have gone by so fast. Except you are intentional about making the best of your life, time will run by and you still would not have attained, achieved or acquired anything tangible.

That’s why the Psalmist said in Psalm 90:12 – “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom”… Applying your heart to wisdom entails making each day count.

If each day of your life will count this 2019, you must pick up your race, and begin to run… How do you run? – We see this in our text today, from the story of the Great woman of Shunem.

1. She saddled an ass What the great woman of Shunem did by saddling an ass was to make preparation for the journey ahead.

In Matthew 2:11, when Jesus was to make His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, He sent two disciples to go fetch him an ass to ride upon.

No doubts, God has billed you to make triumphant entries into wealth, greatness, success, breakthroughs, and many more good things in this 2019… but have you found the ass to ride upon?

For the wife of the young prophet in 2 Kings 4:1 onwards, her ‘ass’ was the jar of oil in her house… That was what she leveraged on, as she rode triumphantly out of poverty into wealth.

For Moses, his ‘ass’ was the rod in his hands. With that rod, he made a triumphant entry into the palace of Pharaoh to show the wonders of God…

It was by the instrumentality of that rod that he led the Israelites out of slavery into freedom.

Beloved, have you recognized the ass(es) with which you will ride triumphantly in 2019? If you have, have you saddled your ass?

It is one thing to recognize the ass, it is another thing to saddle the ass. When Bible says that the great woman of Shunem saddled an ass, it means she first prepared the ass, and then she put a saddle on it.

A saddle is a seat that is placed on a Horse’s back for the rider to sit on. They are usually tailor-made for specific purposes. For example, there are common saddles (for casual journeys), hunting saddles (specifically made for hunting), battle saddles (specifically made for battles), and so on!

Are you making specific plans on how you will ride on the ass for the exact purpose it is to serve?

Have you mapped out a strategy on how to maximize your business for wealth generation this year?

Have you made plans on how to enhance your ministry towards fruitfulness this year?

Have you saddled your ass?

My challenge for you today is to apply your heart to wisdom, and begin to make preparation towards making the best out of your life this year 2019.

Grace is multiplied to you in Jesus Name. Amen.

PRAYER Lord, please teach me to number my days this year that I may apply my heart to wisdom. I receive grace to saddle the right ass, and to saddle it correctly as I run the race of destiny this year in Jesus Name.

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