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The Uniqueness of Jesus' Birth

Isaac Jammeh

The scriptures tell us that the lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). This also means the lamb born from the foundation of the world.

The birth of Jesus Christ was the most unique birth that ever happened in human history, and will never happen again. Unique in the sense that, God humbled himself and became man.

Secondly, the birth of Jesus Christ was supernatural; born of a virgin.

Thirdly, the birth of Jesus Christ was the most humble birth because the creator of the universe chose to be born not in a palace but rather in a stable, and even in a manger. In other words, even though he is rich, he chose to be born in the poorest state, in order to bring salvation to all human beings; from the poorest to the richest.

God has spoken about his birth, prophecies had been made about his birth, and when the time came for him to be born, an Angel was sent to Virgin Mary to tell about the type of child she was going to give birth to. When Jesus Christ was born, a host of Angels announced the message to the shepherds. Not only Angels but nature( bright star) too.

In the dispensation of Law, shepherds were considered unclean people. Because of this, shepherds were not allowed to live within communities, but away without. So, the birth of Jesus Christ was not announced by important or royal people, but by outcasts, so that everyone is included in the salvation of God.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Simeon and Anna were told that they would not die without seeing the Messiah. I believed Simeon and Anna did see many babies before they saw baby Jesus. The day Simeon and Anna saw baby Jesus, the Holy Spirit revealed to them that baby Jesus is the Messiah, the world was waiting for.

As we celebrate this unique birth of Jesus Christ, let us join our voices to those sweet angelic voices, to the shepherds, and tell the world that The Saviour is born.

Merry Christmas!!!

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