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Daily Tonic || Run The Race (3)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- 2 Kings 4:24 – “Then She saddled an ass, and said to her servant, drive, go forward, slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee”

There are a lot of life lessons to learn from the great woman of Shunem, particularly, her compassion, contentment and confidence. She kept God at the center of her life, and that was the game-changer in her life.

For some days, we have been reeling out instructions for better living from what the great woman of Shunem did in 2 Kings 4:24. These instructions are guaranteed to make 2019 a very fruitful year for anyone that abides by them.

At the turn of 12 midnight on January 1, ‘The Umpire’ blew the whistle for 2019. We are all on the track now, as it were, running the race of destiny. Beloved, how well will you run? By the time the final whistle will blow on December 31st, how much would you have achieved, attained, and acquired?

In the past few days, we have mentioned that you must saddle your ass (make adequate plans and preparations) and say to your servant (know who to talk to per time). After the Shunamite woman had done these two, the next statement she made is also highly instructive:

3. Drive You must take the wheels in your hand, and drive! Don’t expect that a sort of miracle will happen and you will suddenly find yourself in the place of fulfilment.

There is this saying that “If you know where you are going, anywhere can be a starting point”. In other words, it doesn’t matter where you’re at now, or what is going on in your life… the struggles, limitations, hindrances. Setbacks, etc... Once you know where you’re going, and you’re willing to drive, you’ll find your way from where you are to where you ought to be.

When we say drive, we mean to say the road may be rough; there may be many twists, turns and bends, but navigate your way through them all. You cannot be passive about the process. You have to be very active and intentional about it.

We know that the revelation of divine destiny does not come in form of a map that shows you the full picture all at once; it comes in the form of a compass, where you receive direction per time.

So then, God is going to be giving you direction per time. Yours is to follow His leading, and drive regardless of how the road looks.

Also, you must beware of the kinds of ‘chariots’ you join yourself to this year. Don’t join any chariot that is not God-driven, vision-driven, faith-driven, and wisdom-driven. Such chariots will either crash in the way, or take you to the wrong destination.

As you journey on in this 2019, my prayer for you is that you will finish well. Shalom!

PRAYER Lord, please help me to finish well this 2019. Grant me the grace to navigate this year correctly, going from where I am to where I ought to be in Jesus Name.

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