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Daily Tonic || Run The Race (4)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- 2 Kings 4:24 – “Then She saddled an ass, and said to her servant, drive, go forward, slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee”

I have come to realize that progress is not about speed alone, but much more about direction. No matter how fast you run, the running is in vein if you are going in the wrong direction.

There are some people who never got it right as per the direction in which they are to run in life; whereas some others got it right when they set out, but got distracted somewhere along the line, and veered off course.

As you make your journey through this year, I want to admonish you to keep your eyes fixed on divine destiny. Look neither to the right not to the left; take your journey straight ahead, and refuse to be distracted.

This is another lesson we can glean out from the story of the great woman of Shunem in our text, 2 Kings 4:24. She saddled an ass, and said to her servant, drive… and the next thing:

4. Go forward Making progress is not just about going. If your going will count towards the fulfilment of destiny, it must be in the upwards and forwards direction. In other words, you must be intentional about making advancements this year.

Going forward for you may mean going for a professional certification; it may mean opening another stream of income; it may mean getting another degree; it may mean settling down in marriage; it may mean getting a new job… The point is to keep making tangible progress in all areas of your life.

In Exodus 14:15, God said to Moses, “Tell my people to go forward!” It’s a command – GO FORWARD. Don’t remain on one spot in your spiritual life; in your career; in life generally! Advance yourself, and keep making progress.

In Deuteronomy 2:3, the Lord said to Moses, “Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward”… Beloved, it is not God’s will for you to be stationary; His earnest desire is for you to keep moving forward, He wants you to advance and progress; and that, you must do this year.

God is ready to advance you this year; He is taking you out of depression into a place of joy and happiness; He is taking you out of slothfulness to a place of service and power. He is taking you out of complacency to the place where you will be stretched… Beloved, this 2019, Go forward!

Even in your spiritual life, God is set to take you out of the place of satisfaction, to the place where He’ll fill you with hunger and thirst for Him like you have never had before, and lead you into a greater dimension of His glory than ever before. God wants to take you places you haven’t been with Him before.

I charge you today, to cooperate with God as He urges you on. Go forward!

PRAYER Father, I ask you to help me to keep my eyes fixed on divine destiny this year. Grant me grace to look neither to the right not to the left; but to take your journey straight ahead, going upwards and forwards as you urge me on in Jesus Name.

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