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Daily Tonic || Let Us Follow After

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Philippians 3:12 – “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus”

In the past few days, we talked about the importance of taking the race of destiny seriously this year, so that with the passage of time, we would be able to lay hold on tangible things we have achieved, attained and acquired.

In our text today, Paul the Apostle explains that in his own personal journey, what he does is to FOLLOW AFTER… In the same vein, as you run your race this year, make sure that you follow after.

Follow after what/who?, you may want to ask… Bible says in Ephesians 5:1, “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children”. So then, we see that as we run the race of destiny, we must follow after God. In the Gospels, we find repeatedly that Jesus beckoned on people saying, “Follow Me”.

In one instance, He explained what it entails to follow Him:

“And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”

– Luke 9:23

This implies that following after God requires that you deny yourself and carry your cross daily. This means that following after God will definitely entail making some hard choices, and letting go of certain things that are naturally appealing.

The word daily there must not be overlooked. It gives the idea that this following is something that you do day by day. No wonder Paul many times in the book of Hebrews referred to Christianity as our “profession”.

The word “followers” in Eph. 5:1 is from the Greek word, “mimeomai”, which literally means “an imitator”. This implies that following God means being imitators of Him. It means we should daily strive to be like Christ in our words, thoughts and actions.

Definitely, we cannot earn salvation by trying our humanly possible best to imitate Christ. NO! Salvation is a free work of grace. However, God’s grace is both saving grace and enabling grace… it saves us from sin, and enables us to be followers (imitators) of God.

If indeed we are following after God, we will fully submit our lives to him as Lord. Our every dreams and aspirations will be filtered through His word; our decisions will be filtered through His will; our lives will be subject to His leading. Everything we do will be with the sole purpose of pleasing and glorifying Him.

Beloved, let us follow after God. It is this kind of “Following after” that will make 2019, and in fact life itself, worth living.


I make a commitment to follow after God this 2019. I’ll daily strive to be like Christ in my words, thoughts and actions. I live in total submission to His word, will and ways; everything I do will be with the sole purpose of pleasing and glorifying Him.

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