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Isaac Jammeh

During the Old Testament times, oil symbolized the Holy Spirit, and it was poured on people or objects as a sign of consecration for divine use but in this dispensation of the Holy Spirit, He himself consecrates people for God's purpose. Anointing is when one is consecrated and sanctified to be God's own for His purpose by the Holy Spirit, and this is in three levels:

1. Basic Anointing

Every Christian has this Anointing. This Anointing is one which the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ to the hearts of men. This Anointing also reveals sin and guilt in man for him to repent. In other words, this is the Salvation Anointing. Without this Anointing, it is impossible for one to believe and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, be born again or be a New Creation. This was the reason, Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again for him to enter the Kingdom of God.

2. Gift Anointing

This is also Called Anointing, in which the Holy Spirit reveals, and gives one a gift or calls one into a certain ministry. The Holy Spirit empowers one to master and work perfectly in their gifts or calling. For example, The Holy Spirit gives gifts of the five main offices, apostolic; and some, prophetic; and some, evangelism; and some, pastoring and teaching.

It was the same Gift Anointing, that God anointed Bezaleel and Aholiab in the Book of Exodus chapter 32, to design works in wood, gold, silver, brass, and the cutting of stones for the works of the tabernacle. Also He gave gifts to Joseph and Daniel to interpret dreams.

3. Glory Anointing

This is the highest level of anointing by the Holy Spirit, and it comes on people for certain services. This is available to everyone, but not everyone has experienced it.

When Moses went to get the Ten Commandments and the Covenant Laws from God, the Bible tells us that God descended on the Mount Sanai in the glory cloud to be with Moses (Moses was in the Glory Anointing). Before God descended on the mount, He warned that let no living thing come near to the mount or touch it. Touching or coming near the mount, without sin atonement, they will be killed.

In Exodus, when the children of Israel were wandering in the wilderness, the Bible tells us: And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night. During that 40 long years in the wilderness, the Bible says none of the children of Israel were sick, feeble or even their clothes worn-out, because of the Glory Anointing they were under (pillar of cloud and fire).

As Christians with the Basic Anointing, or Gift Anointing, there is a possibility that we can get sick or even be attacked by Satan but when sicknesses and pain strikes us or even attacks by Satan, with the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, we can control that sickness and send it out of our lives, and be delivered from Satanic attacks. Remember Christ has given us power that is above every other power.

In the case of the Glory Anointing; which is the very presence of God, anything that exists as a consequences of sin cannot touch or come near someone in the Glory Anointing. In the Old Testament times, before one comes to the very presence of God, there must be blood atonement, if not they will die. Today, the blood Jesus Christ has qualified us to come before God without being killed.

These were the reasons, God warned the children of Israel not come near or touch the mount because sin and it's consequences cannot be in God's presence. Also, these are the reasons why the children of Israel never experienced sickness during the 40 long years in the wilderness because sickness cannot be in the very presence of God. For this reason, when someone in sickness, pain or in the demonic influence comes near a man in the Glory Anointing, even without praying, healing and deliverance comes automatic.

Sometime ago , I lstened to a testimony of lady who was once mad, and a preacher came to pray for her in psychiatric hospital. During prayers, the Glory Anointing descended into the hospital, and every mad person in the hospital was instantly healed, even though the preacher only prayed for the said lady. Another time, I read about a man who was praying in his closet, the Glory Anointing descended on him, and anyone who come near him fell down, even in the stores and streets.

Sickness, pain or even Satanic attacks cannot come near or touch you not to talk of your clothes when you are in the Glory Anointing. The scriptures says: There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen: -Job 28:7 KJV.

When the Bible says fowls and vultures, it also symbolized satanic and demonic forces. And according to above verse, there is path or place where neither Satan or any demon knows about; and that is in the Glory Anointing. This is the only place where Satan doesn't know anything about, cannot see or even touch anyone in this Anointing.

The question is, how long can one stay in this type of anointing, since it comes and goes for certain services? As human beings, we need fellowship with others, or to do certain things for living, which may interrupt our continuous living in this Glory Anointing. But as long as we remain in this Glory Anointing, no sickness, pain or satanic attacks can touch us. The moment we step out of this Glory Anointing, there are possibilities that Satan can attack, but yet we have power over him in Christ Jesus.

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