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Daily Tonic || Such as I Have

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Acts 3:6- “Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”

One common question during job interviews is, “What can you offer us?”, some interviewers will even add, “What can you offer us, that someone else cannot”. Whenever you encounter this question, there are three things the interviewer is trying to gauge:

1. Your Confidence – How confident are you about your abilities?

2. Your Humility – How modest are you in blowing your own trumpet?

3. Your Preparation – How ready are you for the interview, and the job itself if eventually given?

That was what I did not too long ago in a core group meeting. I asked everyone to write a list of what they have to offer in life, and I said to them, “Today, you will evaluate how valuable your life is”

As I ask you this same question today, I want you to evaluate how confident you are about the giftings and graces God has placed on your life; I want you to see if you have been overrating yourself, while you really do not have anything serious to offer; I want you to realize how prepared you are for life, and for destiny.

In today’s text, the lame man in focus asked Peter and John for alms, but then Peter responded, “What you’re asking for, I don’t have. But I do have something I can offer”… Peter knew he had something to offer. He was not confused about that fact. Going beyond that, he went on to actually offer it!

Beloved, think about your life; what is it that you have to offer this hurting and dying world? What is it in your life that can be of service to God, and for the benefit of mankind?

I want you to evaluate your life today, and make a list of 5 major things in your life currently, that you have to offer, and begin to offer it! If you don’t start with what you have now, God will not commit greater things to your hands.

See what Jesus said in Luke 19:17 “And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little thing, have thou authority over ten cities”

Don’t look down on that little thing you can offer; go all the way offering it as a service to God, and for the betterment of the world around you… God will multiply it in your hands, and commit greater things to your care.

Destiny beckons on you; greatness beckons on you… Get on the road today, and begin to offer such as you have. Shalom!


Lord, help me to be a faithful steward of that which you have committed to my hands. I will serve you with such as I have, and use it for the benefit of mankind. Grant me grace as I do so in Jesus Name.

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