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The Phone Call

Joy Olasupo

It was a hot afternoon, all I had in mind was for the service to end. It was few minutes to the regular closing time and I knew with the look of things we wouldn’t finish anytime soon. Well, all these thoughts were running through my mind and then I received a call.

A phone call? Yes and the number was not even saved; I didn’t have this number on the contact list of my heart and I kept wondering who it was. Well, thankfully I picked that call and guess who was on the line? It was God!

He called to draw my heart to Him, calling me to come closer and learn more about Him. The call touched the deepest part of my heart and I couldn’t say no. This was how God became a contact on the contact list of my heart. You think that’s all to it? Well, there’s more.

The next day I tried calling God back and then He picked the call and then something happened, I couldn’t hear anything He was saying. I kept saying “can you hear me?” but there was no response. I felt bad that I couldn’t get to hear Him speak. I later realized that my reception was bad and which was why no matter how much He spoke I couldn’t hear a single word. Did that stop me? Well, no. I kept calling.

Another day came and I called Him. This time there was great reception but the problem was that He was speaking in a language I couldn’t understand so I got confused. Why will He even want to talk to me in a language I have no idea about? Later, I understood that the language was one my little mind couldn’t understand. I needed to grow! As at that time I didn’t realize I was a baby that was still growing. Did I stop? No, I kept calling.

It got to a point that I developed an amazing relationship with Him; I always wanted to have good reception so that I could hear Him, I always wanted to understand the language in which He speaks. And with that our relationship grew. Trust me after some time He started calling me. Calling me to fellowship with Him, have a nice chat with Him, tell Him all my problems and pains and cry so much before Him.

Our Christian life is a journey. You may start small but if you keep calling and stay in touch with God, trust me you’re heading somewhere great. So, don’t be discouraged when you can’t hear Him.It would get to a point that you would be able to hear Him speak to you and even understand clearly what He’s trying to say. All you have to do is keep pressing and keep making those phone calls.

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