Text- Deuteronomy 13:18 “When thou shalt hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep all his commandments which I command thee this day, to do that which is right in the eyes of the LORD thy God”
One of the hardest things in this day and age is doing what is right. When you insist on doing what is right always, it seems you no longer fit into the society. But you see, as Children of God, we are to stand for what is right and do what is right, come what may.
One of the things that make it quite difficult to do what is right is what is popular. To be honest, it is quite hard to shun what is popular and stick with what is right. Sometimes, it makes you feel like a misfit in the society, but you see, we do not live by societal standards; our standard is the word of God.
Pop culture has promoted a lot of wrong stuffs; all sorts of vices are being celebrated on our TV screens and in our magazines. These vices have been made to look like the norm. But again, though we live in this world, we are not of this world.
All the ephemeral things that pop culture has promoted are not worth the while… vanity upon vanity; all is vanity! All of those things can be gone faster than a lighting strike. But the right things we do stand as our memorial before God; and that endures forever.
Take for example; recently I did a research on the gestures and origins of popular dance moves in Nigeria. I found out that most of them are tied to drug use, cultism, promiscuity and vulgarity. But sadly, these dance moves have not only been copied by Christians and brought to the Church; they have been brought even to the pulpit!
The irony of the matter is that before the twinkle of an eye, new dance moves emerge, and the hitherto reigning one becomes old-fashioned… and the cycle continues on and on like that. Vanity upon vanity; all is vanity.
Always remember, the voice of the people (Vox Populi) is not the voice of God. God has communicated to mankind through scripture, and scripture alone (Sola Scriptura). The Bible bears the final rule in matters of faith and practice.
Beloved, do what is right at all times. Stop trying to fit in; stand out! Don’t love the things of the world and be conformed to it. Dare to be different; dare to shine as light! Don’t behave like the people of this world; instead be an imitator of Christ and His ambassador to the world.
Lord, I want to stand out for you in this world. Father, help me, even when the going gets tough, to shine as light, to be an imitator of Christ, and to be His ambassador to the world in Jesus Name.
Image Credit: graceministryindia.org