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Antoinette Oguma

We are in such a time or should I say such a world, where so many people are “under the cover” of depression or depressed patients. I mean how else can you explain a person posting the flickiest lifestyle on social media yet struggling with depression in reality?

This is why we really need to check up on our loved ones, most especially, that “strong friend” of yours. We all have that one friend that always listens to us whenever we want to talk about the struggles, problems or whatsoever that we may be going through, yet, they never talk about their minor sicknesses, not to mention problems. This already gives us a clear picture of who the “strong friends” are.

I must say, the reason why those strong friends “never break” even when they are at their threshold is because they feel their breaking is going to affect a lot of people so they try to conceal it with the flickiest posts on social media and with the coolest hashtags E.g. #happyme #HappyLife etc. Well, I can go on and on about the "undercover depressed patients" in the form of strong friends but lets stop here and delve deeper into what depression is really all about.

Depression is more than a passing bout or session of sadness or dejection or feeling some kind of darkness inside of you. People struggling with depression usually don’t open up because they feel they will be stigmatized if they do, and that is the purpose of this write up (to create awareness). Depression can leave you with a ceaseless burdened feeling which can take the joy out of your “hobbies.” It is not just what everyone thinks it is.

What comes to the mind of most people when they hear about depression is just someone that is sad for a period of time and is seeking unnecessary attention. Depression is a disorder and not a disease. If it’s not dealt with, can pave way in your life for frustration, loneliness, and anxiety. As a child of God, you must understand that depression is not of God. It is the devil's own way of making you feel less than a human, a way of making you feel like you are not worth anything, and he pushes to make certain regrettable decisions such as suicide.

Sometimes depression makes you stay away from people unknowingly by pushing you to make decisions like; quitting your job because you feel your boss hates you, moving out of your neighborhood because you feel your neighbors don’t need you, sometimes you may be suffering from depression but you would not have the slightest clue about it.

Depression can also be caused by a simple brain chemical or hormonal imbalance which is why some people go into depression after having a baby or after a surgery. Also, suppressing your emotions consciously and deliberately in times when there is no trauma can lead to depression. So that’s why its good to vent out your emotions, it takes strength to vent out your emotions but more strength to bottle them up.

Depression is not like malaria or fever that has a particular treatment, some people go through counselling, some deliverance, others go through treatments such as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI- are a class of drugs that are typically used as antidepressants in the treatment of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders.) I feel the topic of “confiding” can never be overemphasized.

Depression can have episodes and an episode can last for weeks or months depending on how you manage it. For some people, these episodes can replay but for others, it could just be a single occurrence.

In my study about depression I found out the 3 stages of depression;

1. Mild Depression:

This is also known as minor depression. This is the stage when you think you are just feeling blue temporarily and you try to shake it off. At this stage you go through things like insomnia (having sleepless nights), feeling guilty at ease, lack of concentration, feeling burdensome, loneliness, unnecessary weight loss or gain, sometimes you feel like you need to take a very long walk alone with a very calm music rather than go out with your friends; at this point you feel like everyone around is really annoying. What could be going through your mind right is what is called mild depression although it seems like major. In mild depression, you may sometimes deal with it alone because the symptoms are not really physical. Despite the fact that mild depression really seems difficult, it is the easiest to treat. When you experience this, feed your mind with the word of God.

2. Moderate Depression:

This is also known as the middle line depression because it is in between the mild and the major stages of depression. At this stage, low self-esteem (feeling of worthlessness) and anxiety steps in as well as increased sensitivities. In moderate depression, the greatest difference is that its symptoms takes a bearing in your everyday life so it’s easier to identify than for the case of mild depression. Therefore, moderate depression should be treated before it transits to major depression.

3. Major Depression:

This is also known as severe depression. At this stage, it requires treatment as well as talk therapy because depression sometimes has a trace of emotional suppression and bottling up. It is at this stage that people contemplate suicide.

Don’t be tired of life just because you think you can’t take it anymore or you feel you are becoming a waste. When things don’t seem to be adding up, when your prophecies don’t seem to be manifesting in your life, you have to hold on to it and keep believing because trials sometimes help to keep you in check.

The Bible says in 1Peter 4:12

“Dear Friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you.”

So let’s assume you really took your life, do you know how many people you could have passed the feeling of depression to because of your foolish decision? Do you know how they would have felt? They would never have forgiven themselves because they weren’t there for you like you wanted them to.

The Bible with the exception of few translations doesn’t really have the word “depression,” rather other translations of the Bible used words like downhearted, despaired, discouraged, afraid etc. Anyway, here are a few common remedies for depression alongside a few scriptural backing. So here’s what you should do;

  • Stay with positive people: Philippians 2:2 “then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”

  • Compliment yourself daily: Speak words into your life because the Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” If you can’t declare it you don’t desire it. You can make a list of the compliments and paste it beside your mirror, your bathroom door or behind your room door so you can always see it before you go out, that way you won’t forget it. You can also remind yourself of your greatest skills, those things you can always and come out excellent with brilliant results.

  • Exercise regularly: This helps you free your mind, it also improves your health. I once read on a website that depression shuts down the brain’s ability to adapt to new situations by limiting the ability of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine) to foster communication throughout the brain.

  • Eat healthy: Eating healthy is important for your mental health. In order to help your brain function properly, eat a variety of foods that are rich in essential nutrients.

  • Cry out for help: You must understand that you are not alone and don’t fail to cry out for help. If you need to talk to someone then speak up but make sure you are speaking to the right person. A listening ear doesn’t guarantee a closed mouth nor a wisdom-filled brain. From a personal experience I would say get a book and write down your thoughts. This is also an unwinding process because depression has some emotional suppression.

  • Think positive, speak against the negative voice in your head. You own your mind which means you are in control of your mind. When the voice in your head says “you are not good enough” speak against it and tell yourself “I’m good enough, I’m the best at what I do, I love myself.”

  • Seek the presence of God: There’s something about being in the presence of God. In the presence of God, there is fullness of Joy (Psalms 16:11.)

  • Enjoy your Life: The bible says in Eccl. 8:15 So I recommend having fun because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.

  • Cast your cares on God: Lastly, I would say cast your cares on God, remain in God. Don’t worry all will be well. (Psalms. 55:22, Proverbs 18:10.)

Depression is real; many have fallen a victim of it, others have even lost their lives because of it and others who have applied some of the remedies above have been victorious. Don't sit and fold your arms when there is a solution! Remember God loves you and wants the best for you.

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