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Daily Tonic || As for me and my house

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Joshua 24:2, 15- “And Joshua said unto all the people [of Israel],… choose you this day whom ye will serve; … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”

It is true that life is per-head, and that ultimately everyone will stand before God individually to give account for his/her life. However, it is also true that no man is an island unto himself. God ordained life to be lived in the company of others.

One of such company is the family. I personally believe that family interaction is the most crucial of all interactions we will have on this earth. The background we have from our homes usually affect our outlook of life; it shapes our worldview significantly.

This is the reason why one of the institutions that the devil greatly targets is the family institution. He knows that if the foundation is destroyed, there is but little to nothing that the righteous can do.

Conversely, God is also very much interested in the family institution. In fact when Jesus met with Zacchaeus, He said to Him,

“This day is salvation come to this house“ (Luke 19:9). Though Zacchaeus was the contact point, Jesus wasn’t talking about Him alone; He was interested in the entire household. This will give us a better understanding of why Joshua said in our text, “As for me and my house”

Beloved, you may be God’s contact point in your family; you may be the first person to get saved, or perhaps the only one taking his/her walk with God seriously. But I tell you certainly, God’s is interested in your entire family.

God wants to use you as a contact point to your to your parents and siblings; to your spouse if you married before you got saved; and to your children, raising them up in the way of the Lord. God is counting on you to practically show the love of Christ to your family, live an exemplary life before them, expose them to the word of God through every available means (including social functions where your family will be invited – birthday, wedding, naming ceremony etc.), and intercede for their salvation and spiritual growth.

They may be mocking your faith today; they may even be actively persecuting you; or they may just be plain annoying. Never mind any of those. Don’t let it discourage you, or cause you to backslide. Walk with God and pray for the still.

Soon and very soon, they will also be saved!

Say with me, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”


Lord, please find me faithful as a point of contact to every member of my family I lift up every unsaved member of my family before you in prayer today (mention them by name). Let their hearts be turned towards you in Jesus Name.

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