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Good Works or Deeds cannot guarantee Heaven

Your good works or deeds to others are very important, but are not enough to take to Heaven. You can give all your income to the poor, shelter the homeless, champion humanity, but these too cannot take you to Heaven.

Many believe that for someone to go to Heaven, their goods works or deeds must outweigh their bad works or deeds. This too is a false doctrine (teaching). If this claim is true, then sin will be permitted in the presence of God.

One sinful action or nature in you is enough to keep you out of Heaven and lead you to Hell forever without any hope. You must be righteous before God in order to be in the presence of God in Heaven. Take note that it is impossible for one to acquire this righteousness by their own works or deeds.

This righteousness comes only through Jesus Christ, since he NEVER committed any sin. If you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior; you are in Jesus Christ. Even though, you are not righteous on your own, but in Jesus Christ, you are forgiven, and also declared righteous before God, and this is your salvation. Your good works or deeds are crowns you will be rewarded with in Heaven.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Ephesians 2:8 KJV

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