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Daily Tonic || Do Not Procrastinate

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Updated: Jul 23, 2020

Text- John 9:4 – “As long as it is day, I must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming when no one can work”

Why intentionally delay till a later time, something that you can do now? This is perhaps a question we all need to constantly ask ourselves; more so, when you have all the ability and resources to accomplish it. It is no news that procrastination is a problem in this world.

It has always been, and will always be. But will procrastination be your own problem? Will you join the bandwagon of people who never do anything on time?’

I have found out that people often procrastinate for three main reasons:

1. Laziness

2. Busyness

3. Coziness

There are certain people that are just lazy, point blank! For no genuine reasons, hey push things to the very last minute before they do what is expected of them. Some would claim it’s because they function better under time pressure. I agree that some people function better when they have a target to meet with time constraint, but that does not justify leaving things till the very last minute before they are done.

Again, some people procrastinate because they are simply busy. They really have a lot to do, and it seems there is not enough time to accomplish everything they ought to. There are two approaches to solving this problem.

First, is to examine if you are biting more than you can chew. Everyone today takes some sort of pride in being busy, but the question is not how busy you are, but how productive you are. Truth is some people are either too busy for their good or busy doing nothing.

Secondly, if you are genuinely busy, you must set and establish right priorities. As you run your daily affairs, you should learn to separate issues based on their importance and urgency. If you review your time management matrix, you may find that you have been busy with the wrong things altogether.

Another reason why some people procrastinate is that they have become cozy. They are grown comfortable and complacent with how much they think they have accomplished for the day, so they go to ‘rest’.

This may be termed as laziness, but it’s a little different because these people feel they have done a lot already and feel they can push other things till later. They have failed to realize that nobody celebrates your best, when your best is not enough. Your job is not done, until the entire job is done!

What is the reason why you have been procrastinating – is it laziness, busyness, coziness, or even more then one of them? You can make up your mind to change today, and become more productive while it is still ‘day’. Remember, ‘night’ is coming when no one can work. Don’t wait till it’s too late.


I make a conscious decision today to do away with procrastination. Father, help me so to do in Jesus Name.

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