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Daily Tonic || I Am Getting Ready

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Exodus 19:11 – “And be ready against the third day: for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai.”

Just about anybody can dream up random fantastic stuffs, but not so many can get their hands on deck, and set their foot on the path to actualize those dreams. No wonder they say, if wishes were horses, beggars will ride the best of them all.

It's easy to wish, but how many people really prepare themselves for the things they wish would happen? How many people can look at their dreams and aspirations, and say boldly with no shred of doubt... I AM GETTING READY

It is often said that he who fails to plan, plans to fail. But I have found out that planning alone does not guarantee success if it is not coupled with adequate preparation. A lot of plans may be in your mind, or even ink-printed on a piece of paper, but it will amount to nothing, if it is not followed up by commensurate actions.

Looking at our text, we see how God instructed the children of Israel to get ready for his visitation. Having told them that He's coming on the third day, He added that they must begin to get ready for His divine visitation.

Beloved, it is not enough to plan and pray. After planning and having prayed, you should not just fold your arms and expect miracles to happen. You should begin to get yourself ready!

In fact, when God shows you a vision of the future He has planned and ordained for you, or gives you a sure word of prophecy, it places a responsibility on you to begin to get ready in eager expectation for what God has shown or promised you.

The question I want to pose to you today is this, "Are you getting ready?" Have you set clear-cut goals in line with your God-given vision? Are you preparing for the future ahead of you? Are you investing in yourself?

See, God will keep to His promises over your life, but all He owes you is an opportunity to shoot your shot. However, opportunities are lost when they are not met with preparation... In other words,

if there is no preparation on ground, any opportunity that comes your way will be wasted.

If you don't want to end lesser than your potentials... Begin to get ready

If you don't want to disappoint your divine destiny... Begin to get ready

If you don't want to waste divine opportunities... Begin to get ready

From today, please begin to get yourself ready for greatness Begin to get yourself ready for divine destiny Begin to get yourself ready for success Whatever "I AM GETTING READY" means to you, begin to do it!

Polish your English

Go develop that skill

Enroll for that course

Start saving up money

Learn that new language

Increase your prayer time

Start reading those books

Again, whatever "I AM GETTING READY" means to you, begin to do it, and when opportunities begin to come, don't just shoot your shot; give your best shot! Destiny beckons on you. Greatness awaits you.


Father, I receive the grace to know how to prepare, and consequently to adequately prepare for the future you have planned and ordained for me in Jesus Name

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