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The Reason Jesus Christ Died

Isaac Jammeh

The Bible tell us in Romans 6:23 that: "23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

This verse means and indicates that all of us were dead (separated from God) at some point because all of us have committed sin and all of us are sinful right from Adam, so no one is exempted from the wages of sin. This verse does not mean that it is the will of God for any sinner to remain dead forever without any hope.

The will of God is to redeem every sinner, but the question is how, since we all have committed sins?

I believe that you will agree with me that a dead person cannot save another dead person talk-less themselves, for it is only the living (without sin) that can save the dead person.

For example: If a man chooses to die for someone he loves, both the man and his loved one will die and remain dead forever without any hope of life again. This is so because man by himself is another sinner who can't quicken another sinner from death.

The reason Jesus Christ chose to die for sinners was because he has the power to let himself to be dead and also he has the power to quicken himself from death.

Jesus Christ himself said..."I am the life". This means, he is the self-existing source of life. This is the very reason on the third day, he was raised from the the dead and death couldn't hold him bound.

This very day, he is alive forever!

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