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Daily Tonic || The Operational Forces Of Life

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Romans 8:28- “All things work together for good to them that love God, and to them that are called according to His purpose”

I want you to take a moment to ponder on today’s text… It says All Things – God or Bad – ALL THINGS work together for our good! A lot of people read this verse of scripture, but somehow interpret it to mean that only good things will happen to them.

In contrast, what this scripture implies is that God has good plans for those that love Him, and He will ensure that His good plans will be made manifest against all odds, making all things, both good and bad, to turn out right for us.

There are seven operational forces which act as variables in life, ensuring that God's purpose is established and God has all of these seven forces at his disposal to use as he wills. While the devil is limited in access, the born-again man has unlimited access to these seven forces to work for him.

The first, and the most primitive, of these seven operational forces is called “WISHES”. This will be the subject of our discussions today; on subsequent days, we will discuss the others.

WISHES apparently constitute the weakest operation force in life. You must have heard this before: “If wishes were horses, beggars will ride the best of them all”. To wish simply means to have a strong feeling of wanting something to happen or wanting to have something.

Every man has this operational force, but a man whose life is saturated with wishes alone; whose operations in life are zoned only to the realm of wishes is the most miserable of all men on earth – His life will be full of wants, desires & need- all these, with no means to accomplish them. “How I wish I can” will be his slogan.

A man whose life is saturated with wishes alone will most likely also have a lot of regrets. You will hear him say stuffs like, “I wish I did”, “I wish I knew”.

Check your life beloved, if all you do is to wish, fantasize, and day dream, you may be living in a fool’s paradise. Leave the realm of wishes, and follow the flow of execution:

  • Desires – I wish I can do it

  • Intention – I think I should do it

  • Decision – I am going to do it

  • Action – I am doing it

I admonish you today to go beyond mere desires and intentions; make a decision, set reasonable goals and go on to accomplish them!

Now, do you to know that God has wishes too? One of the expressions of God’s wishes is recorded in 1Timothy 2:4. “That all people would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth”. God has expressly declared this wish in scriptures, and he beckons on us to partner with Him in accomplishing them. Makes God’s wishes your passion, and your wishes will become His passion too.


1. I receive upon my life the blessing of Judah. My hands are sufficient for me in Jesus’ Name.

2. Lord, grant me grace and wisdom set reasonable goals and go on to accomplish them.

3. Lord, please fill me with passion and compassion for lost souls. I choose today to be a herald of the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere I go.

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