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Daily Tonic || It Is Written

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Matthew 4:4 – "But he answered and said, It is written…”

If you just got a new gadget and you are wondering how to use it, what would you do? You check the manual, because… It is written!

If you are going to write an exam, and you want to prepare adequately, what would you do? You look for the syllabus, because… It is written!

If you join a new association, and you’re wondering how to rightly behave, what would you do? You go through the constitution, because… It is written!

Beloved, if you want to know what it really entails to be a Christian; if you truly desire to have a vital, sustainable and reproducible walk with God, what should you do? Go get your Bible, because… It is written!

The Bible is our manual for Godly living; it is the syllabus for pleasing God; it is the constitution of the Kingdom of God.

When the devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness, His responses were very clear… “It is written”. In the same way, devil will make attempts to lure you into doing things contrary to God’s ways, and you must be armed with the word of God, and say to him… “It is written”.

There is only one thing that Satan has nothing to counter, and that is the truth of the word of God. Notice that when Jesus responded, ‘It is written’, Satan did not bring any more arguments on that matter. In effect, the truth of God’s word is the only thing that is sufficient enough to shut the devil up permanently over a matter.

As a believer, the ability to say “It is written” is extremely important. This means that you must read and study the Bible enough times, and with enough attention and dedication to meditate and memorize it, so as to be able to recall in the day of temptation or crisis.

A preacher once likened studying the Bible to going for a First Aid course… he said, “We learn it before a need arises, not when an accident happens”. In the same vein, you must build your life on the foundation of God’s Word, and learn it thoroughly so that when the shaking comes, you will be able to stand firm.

2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”

“It is written” trains us for a life that has God's approval and prepares us for victory in the days when we are faced with harassments or lured with temptation. We simply can’t afford to go through life without knowing and constantly refreshing our minds on what is written by reading, studying, meditating, and memorizing it. Shalom!


Lord, give me a heart the treasures your Word above every other thing in this life. Circumcise my heart, and let it always tremble at your word, yielding to it in prompt and total obedience in Jesus Name.



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