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Follow The Lord And Not The Multitude

Pst. Alex Jatta

"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" -Proverbs 16:25

For many years now, we have heard many wise sayings like, "Majority carries the vote" and "The voice of many is the voice of God." However, when these wise sayings are exposed to God's truth (God's wise sayings, the Word of God), we will discover that they are not wise sayings at all. They only sound nice, but not wise in the sight of God.

The wisdom, will, plans and purposes of God have nothing to do with the multitude before they are approved as true or not. That is, when God says a thing, it is not made valid because many people supported it or invalidated because many rejected it. That which God says remains final because it is sovereign.

Every child of God has to train himself or herself to follow what God supports regardless of what many other people are saying in opposition.

When Moses sent the twelve spies to spy out the land, only two out of the twelve reported that they can take the promised land (Numbers 13:30). The remaining ten reported otherwise (Numbers 13:31-33).

Caleb and Joshua who sided with God ended up possessing the promised land together with those with age twenty and below that did not complain (Numbers 14:30-31; Joshua 14:10-15; Joshua 19:49-51) while the rest died in the wilderness (Numbers 14:35-37). Now, apart from the ten spies that gave the evil report, the entire congregation of Israel chose to accept what the ten spies said instead of with the two spies who agreed with God.

Many have destroyed their lives this way. Countries have been ravaged because the majority's decision was taken against the minority. Ferocious men and women come into power because they were chosen and or voted for by the majority. It so because we have come to accept from mere men that majority carry the vote or the voice of many is the voice of God. If you are Christian, you need to be careful of these so-called wise sayings and proverbs that are not supported by the Word of God.

The Word of God is the voice God; not the majority. Truth is what carries the vote; not the majority.

Always hold unto what God approves. You may be reviled by the multitude, but you remain firm in the truth. In no time, the truth will prevail no matter how many people oppose it. You follow the Lord and His Word wholeheartedly.

The multitude that were complaining against Moses at the red sea ended up crossing the sea when he divided it. No one remained in that state of complaints and refused to cross. If Moses was to heed to their grumbling, he would have joined them to get back to Egypt and remain there in slavery till their death. But thank God he did not follow the majority. He followed the Lord.

Follow the Lord always. Let the Spirit of God move you and not the people. Hallelujah! God bless you.

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