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Daily Tonic || Blessed To Be A Blessing

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Genesis 12:2 "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing"

Dearly beloved, I want you understand today that you are, and should be an extension of God's blessing to the world around you in your own little way. The reason why God has blessed you is not only so that you can ENJOY the blessing. Yes, you should enjoy the blessing, but beyond that, you must yourself become a blessing.

You should live your life in such a way that each blessed, day someone somewhere on the surface of the each will be grateful to God for you, grateful that you have been a blessing to then in whatever little or big way that may be.

At the end of each day, ask yourself "How have I been a blessing today?"

Being a blessing is one of the major things that make for a fulfilled day. It is one the reasons why you are alive; it gives meaning and relevance to your life.

God said to Abraham, "I will bless you... and you shall be a blessing". That is God's principle of blessing. The more you are blessed, the more you must become a blessing. And like positive feedback mechanism, the more you become a blessing; the more you will be blessed by God.

There is this popular tale of two men who were in need. One was asking God for a loaf of bread, while the other was asking Him for a bakery. The question is, whose prayer will God answer first?

You know, it would be natural to think that God would answer the man asking for bread first, since bread is easier to make than a bakery.

The tale however concludes that God will first attend to the prayer of the man asking for a bakery. After answering his own prayer, and giving him a bakery, that man will be the extension of God's blessing to all those asking for bread.

The man asking for a bakery was blessed because he would be a blessing! It's the same with you dearly beloved; in every blessing that God blesses you with,

there is certainly an expectation to be an extension of God's blessing to others around you.

Has God blessed you with money? Extend the blessing to others Has God blessed you with influence? Let others be blessed by your influence Has God blessed you with knowledge or skill? Bless others with it.

I want you to look introspectively, and ask yourself this question, "Have I justified God's blessings in my life by extending them to others?" If yes, keep it up. If no, make changes.

Don't ever forget, you are blessed to be a blessing. Shalom!


Father, I thank you for your blessings in my life. I recognize today that I am blessed to be a blessing, and I make a commitment to be an extension of your blessing to the world around me in Jesus Name.

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