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Daily Tonic || Perfect Peace (7)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Isaiah 26:3 – “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.”

Without doubts, peace is one of the most important experiences to mankind. When there is no peace, you won’t be able to correctly appreciate, appropriate, and fully enjoy whatever else you have.

But then, no matter how much we long and strive for peace, there can’t be perfect peace in this present world, until Jesus Christ, the prince of Peace, returns. This is basically because children of darkness will persistently engineer war and violence. Isaiah 59:8 says they know not the way of peace.

But again, Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

So then, if we want the prince of peace to return and restore perfect peace to this world, like it was in the garden of Eden, we must preoccupy ourselves with taking the gospel message as far and as wide as possible.

That brings me to the seventh leg on which perfect peace stands:


As part of the whole armor of God, Apostle Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, admonishes us to "… Shod your feet with the readiness of the gospel of peace” Do you know anyone who is still lost in the world?

Do you know anyone who is yet to be at peace with God? Then reach out to them with the gospel of peace. Help someone else start his/her own journey to perfect peace, and your own peace will be further perfected.

Everywhere you go, always look for the opportunity to share the good news that God gave peace to mankind free of charge by the death of his Son and it takes us just to surrender our lives to Jesus as Lord in order to be partakers of that blood-bought peace.

See how Ephesians 2:17 describes this gospel of peace, “And He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.”

When last did you share this gospel with somebody? When last did you lead a soul to Christ? If you are not doing these, you are part of those responsible for the lack of peace in this world. I charge you today to share the gospel of peace with at least one person today.


Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me perfect peace. I ask for grace to reflect that peace every day of my life and to be a faithful witness in sharing the gospel of peace everywhere I go.



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