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Daily Tonic || On Your Mark… Get Set! (3)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Isaiah 54:2-3 – “Enlarge the place of your tent; stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords; strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left…”

Yesterday, I talked a bit about God’s involvement in our preparation process. Even in the beginning at creation, the Spirit of God first brooded upon the surface of the waters before God began to speak.

It is God’s established pattern that preparation must precede manifestation. However, like I mentioned yesterday, God mostly uses unlikely things to get us ready for the future ahead of us.

For instance, God arranged that Samuel would be raised in the house of Eli. That was his divine preparation for priesthood, and even more. If Samuel was stubborn and disobedient, or if he followed the footsteps of Eli’s children, he would have missed out on his preparation process, and lost his future.

In fact, the day God called Samuel; it was Eli’s voice that he heard. What if he was a disobedient child? What if he had formed the habit of ignoring Eli’s call? That’s how he would have missed God big time!

Most people that failed in life and destiny started failing in the place of preparation! Once you get it wrong in the place of preparation, you may miss out on destiny altogether. Bible says if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do (Psalm 11:3).

You must lay a good foundation by preparing your heart, and going beyond the limits of your comfort. We talked about this in the previous days. The third thing you must do is this

3. Lengthen your cords

Relationships are vital to greatness. So you must build valuable relationships. Watch out for the people that God is bringing into your life, and cherish your relationship with them.

Daniel had three friends – Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. With these three friends, he did exploits in Babylon. Who are your own friends?

Elijah was under the tutelage of Elisha. He followed him closely till he got a double portion of his anointing. Mentoring and Spiritual Fathering are extremely important. Don’t joke with them.

Jesus had twelve disciples whom He names Apostles. They became His witnesses even after He had ascended into heaven. They have spread His good news all around the world! Beloved, who are the people you are pouring into?

I admonish you today to lengthen your cords. It is one of the primary ways to prepare for greatness! On your mark… Get set!


Father, order my steps that my path will cross with the people of my destiny – friends, mentors, fathers, and protégés alike. Grant me discernment Lord, to know men for who they are, and what they represent in my life in Jesus Name.

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