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  • Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Cursed is the Serpent

The first assault of the Serpent on the human race was a question. In Gen 3:21 he asked Eve, "hast God said?"

This is the greatest attack of the devil, giving you a question that you cannot answer. It might be a question to challenge your faith/the Word of God/your authority in Christ e.t.c The Devil wants you to spend your lifetime looking for the answer to these questions.

There are also certain methods the devil likes to use during his attacks. If we are not aware of them then we will become his easy prey. These methods are listed out and explained in the sermon. What are the things you must know about the serpent? How should you react to spiritual attacks? Do you ever feel like the more seriously you take the things of God, the more the devil seems to target you? Why is that? How do you obtain victory?

Listen to the sermon to get the answers. God Bless You!

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