Text- Jeremiah 3:15 – “And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.”
You may not know the value of listening to a consistently biblical sermon week in, week out until you visit some other Churches and hear what is being said on the pulpit. Don’t ever think that these sermons come easy to Pastors just because he is called by God!
As much as there is grace made available for him to feed the flock, a Pastor has to exert himself and work hard in preparing sermons.
Asides the pressure of accurately delivering the mind of God, and His message to the flock per time, there is also the pressure of laboring over the flock until Christ is formed in them, added to the pressure of being a good example.
There is such a long list of pastoral burdens and pressures. If your Pastor is doing it right, he does not have it all easy and stress-less. For these reasons, we ought to minister in return to our pastors as they minister to us.
There are at least 7 ways we can do this. I have mentioned some in the past few days – Obedience, service and appreciation. Today, we will discuss another obligation we have towards our pastors
4. Respect
1st Thessalonians 5:12-13 reminds us to "...respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work.”
This 21st century is a century that worships autonomy and detest authority, so then, the idea of “respecting your pastor” feels oppressive. A lot of people feel they can talk about Pastors just any way they like. The proliferation of social and mass media has helped publicized these absurdities.
The Scripture commands us to respect and honor our Pastors. It is God that calls pastors into leadership and has established them as a means of extending his love, provision and protection to us. It is therefore in honor to God that we respect the pastoral shepherds he places over us.”
Here are some ways to show respect for your Pastors:
Address them respectfully and hold them in high esteem.
If you have a problem with them, talk to them not to others, and do so privately, not publicly.
If someone has a problem with the Pastor and comes to you, refer them to the Pastor and let the Pastor know
Don’t do side-talks during the sermon, and don’t allow your children to be disruptive.
Submit to their authority
Lord, I repent of any way I have dishonored you by disrespecting my Pastor (and any other man/woman of God). Please teach and guide me to respect my pastor (and other men of God) the way I should in Jesus Name.
Image Credit: thechristianadvantage.com