Text- Psalm 122:1 – “I was glad when they said unto me; Let us go into the house of the Lord.”
Mr. Smith is a successful banker with a stable family. He lives in a highbrow area of the city and claims to be a Christian. He has not been to Church for almost a year but he insists that he loves the Lord with all his heart. How true can this be?
One day, he was asked by some concerned friends why he had not been to Church for such a long time. His answer was that as a banker, he dresses up to work from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays, he also dresses up to attend social functions. He said Sunday is the only day he gets to dress down at home.
In our text, David said he was glad when they said to him, “let us go into the house of the Lord”. In contemporary language, what makes David glad on Sundays was the fact that he would be going for Worship Service in Church.
In Mr. Smith’s case however, what makes him glad on Sundays is that he would get to dress down… Isn’t that quite eccentric? But you see, Mr. Smith is not alone in this. Actually, there are a lot of “Mr. Smiths” probably reading this right now.
A quick survey shows that what people enjoy doing on Sunday include going on dates, doing house chores, watching football/Movies/TV shows, groceryshopping, going on adventures, playing games, sleeping, hanging out with friends etc.
I even found the story of a couple that dedicated Sundays to their dogs; they spend the day in bed curled up with their dogs. According to them, “It's all about our little family and Sunday snuggles” It’s hilarious to me, that someone could choose snuggling with dogs above going to the house of God!
Have you ever observed the joy that radiates on the faces of school children when it’s time to go home? I remember those days in boarding school, vacation day is the day of gladness; we were always glad to go home!
If you had a brother or sister in the school then, you will be delighted to hear them call you to go home. If we expressed so much joy at going to the house of our parents, how much more when we are asked to “go into the house of the Lord”
A commentator said, “David's heart was in the worship of God, and he was delighted when he found others inviting him to go where his desires had already gone”
Beloved, where is your heart and desires? Have you used your Sunday mornings for other things like Mr. Smith? Or do you just go to Church mechanically every Sunday without delight for God’s presence, and a heart of worship? Please take a cue from David today, and make necessary adjustments.
In conclusion, when you go to Church today, please do only the things that will make others glad to come next Sunday. If possible, do something for someone that will excite him/her to come to Church again next week. If every Christian does this, many more Christians will be glad when they say to them, “let us go to the house of the Lord”
My desire is stayed on you Lord, and I am glad to approach your presence once again on this Lord’s day. Please help me to enjoy your presence more, and to make Church a desirable and delightful place for others in Jesus Name.
Image Credit: blogs.extension.iastate.edu