Text- Zechariah 8:19 – “Thus saith the Lord of hosts… therefore love the truth and peace”
Why do people hate to hear the truth, even when they know it? Why is it that a lot of people are loyal and affectionate towards a lie, even when they know it? And how is it that all of these seem normal to us?
There are, in fact, a lot of ladies that coast along with unserious guys, simply because they like what they hear from those guys, even when they are very much aware that it’s all sham. Again, my question is, why?
In my own ministerial journey, I have pastored some people who only ask my counsel when they are confident that I will agree with their view. In matters where they feel I would have a different opinion from theirs, they don’t ask my counsel. This attitude shows a sorry lack of love for the truth.
I have found that truth is sometimes bitter, and lying is usually easier. That is to say, on one end, it is more difficult to accept the truth; and on the other end, it is easier to tell a lie.
People tell lies more easily, and most people don’t love the truth anyways. So then, it’s like a time bomb that explodes each time people interact with one another.
More so, since people care less for the truth, those who say the truth are always looked upon unfavorably, and in some cases, attacked.
Isaiah 59:4 is a perfect description of the days we live in, “No one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity.”
2 Thessalonians 2:10 goes on to say, “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” Clearly, danger looms anywhere truth is not loved. In the same vein, wherever truth is loved, salvation is experienced.
I implore you today to come out of this preposterous order that has now become the norm in our different societies. Don’t ignore truth, embrace it; don’t hate truth, love it!
Dearly beloved, don’t entertain lies simply because it sounds good to your ears, or because it appeases your emotions. Don’t let the voice of your emotions becloud the voice of your reasoning. From this day, make up your mind to swallow the bitter pill when the truth seems not to be palatable.
Most importantly, cherish the people in your life that tell you the frank truth at all times. Don’t see them as mean and distasteful; appreciate them because they are God’s tool for your preservation.
Lord from this day, I choose to love the truth with all my heart, and to cherish and appreciate those who represent the voice of truth in my life. Help me so to do in Jesus Name.