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Daily Tonic || No More Excuses!

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Exodus 4:13-14 – “But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else. So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses…”

I have found that there are many people who admire a high standard of excellence, spirituality, success etc. that they see in others, while they are content with very low practice in their own lives. The reason usually is that their mind has generated so many excuses why they can’t achieve and attain what they admire in others.

One thing about our minds is that it can easily generate myriads of excuses that can keep us in our comfort zones, and convince us not to take actions that would otherwise be beneficial to us. It’s however our duty to keep our minds in check and refuse to buy any excuse.

From our text today, we observe that God hates excuses. Moses was giving a lot of excuses why he could not do what God had asked him to do. First, he said the people may not believe him, so God gave him signs and wonders to show them.

After the signs and wonders, he complained that he was not eloquent. God promised to be his mouth and teach him what to say. Yet he told God, “Excuse me Lord, can you just send someone else?”

Clearly, Moses was only giving excuses upon excuses and God didn’t find it funny at all. Bible says God’s anger was kindled against him!

Like Moses, many of us have succeeded in persuading (actually deceiving) ourselves there is something peculiar in our particular case, which makes it almost impossible to do certain things, or attain certain heights.

What we fail to realize is that those excuses are generally the devices of the enemy to prevent us from moving forward, and when we give in to this ploy, it grieves the heart of God.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else”. That’s really the fact; if you are really good at making excuses, you will probably not be able to accomplish anything tangible.

I learnt from a man of God years ago that in life, you can give either of two things – reasons or results. You will either give reasons (excuses) why you can’t access some things, achieve your goals, or attain certain height; OR you will show the results of how much you have been able to access, achieve and attain.

Beloved, make up your mind today to always give results and not reasons. Preach this message to yourself now – NO MORE EXCUSES!



Father, I refuse to be self-limiting in my mind. I choose from today to give no more excuses, but to strive for the mastery and show results in Jesus Name.

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