Text- Eccl. 6:7- “All man’s efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied”
In this present world, almost everyone is consumed with the quest for enjoyment and satisfaction. People turn to many different things trying to find enjoyment and satisfaction – from illicit sex, to alcohol, to drugs, to gluttony, to career height, to fame, to power, to knowledge, to money, and many other ephemeral things.
According to our text, all of man’s efforts are for his mouth. In other words, the labor of a man is usually targeted towards satisfying his yearnings; his “hunger” and his “thirst”.
The quest for joy and satisfaction is why many people go to school; it is the reason why many parents train their children; it is the reason why people want good jobs; it is the reason why many youths experiment with sex and drugs; it is the reason why many join cults… everything that we do – good or bad – can be traced to the quest for joy and satisfaction
The problem however is that despite all of the efforts and labor man invests to acquire joy and satisfaction, his soul is never satisfied. The fact of the matter is that there is an innate hunger and thirst in every one of us that none of our human efforts can satisfy. Only God can.
In the quest for true satisfaction, man has developed all sorts of philosophies for people to explore, and created myriads of heights for people to climb. Life thus seems to be an endless pursuit... there is always ‘something more’ to run after – more degrees, more knowledge, more skill, more titles, more money, more sex, more power, more fame, more more more – more that never satisfies!
What we often fail to realize is that our happiness and satisfaction is not in our own power. Many do not understand that true spiritual joy cannot be obtained by sensual pleasure… None of the things we do for ourselves by ourselves can give us true satisfaction. Only God can.
See what the Bible says in Isaiah 55:2:
“Why do you spend money for that which is not bread? And your labor for that which satisfies not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness”
There is a hunger and thirst in each and every one of us; a deep-seated desire and passion that no amount of pleasure, possession and performance can satisfy.
Truth is, true satisfaction can neither be bought with money nor merited by labor. It is a gift from God to those who consistently hearken to His voice. Only those who are led by God can enjoy true satisfaction in this life.
This is what the Psalmist alluded to when he said of God, “You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures for evermore”
Beloved, are you trying to do life by yourself, looking for joy and satisfaction in the wrong and unlikely places? I invite you to drop the quest today.
Come humbly to God, and allow him to show you the path of life; let Him unveil to you your own path in this life; let Him lead you in the way that you should go… His presence will go with you, and you will have full joy and satisfaction.
Lord, please show me the path of life. Lead me in the way I should go. I come humbly to you today Lord, let me find lasting joy and true satisfaction in you as I hearken to your voice in Jesus Name.
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