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  • Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Let Us Manifest

At the fall of man, Adam surrendered creature back into the hands of Lucifer, into darkness. And ever since then the whole of creature has been groaning in pain, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Once the children of God begins to manifest in the liberty God has given us, the creature will be brought out of vanity into this same liberty. Romans 8:19-22.

Do you know that your journey as a child of God is not complete untill you bring creature into liberty? There is a part of the creature that has its liberty tied to your manifestation! Gen 4:16-26. Cursed Cain, a fugitive and an unbeliever, raised a generation that built cities, became the father of livestock, music, and craft. This cursed generation did exploit. While Seth, the son of God, the blessed generation, was busy calling upon the name of the Lord. No exploit! This pattern has been a recurring one through the centuries.

Now this is not to say that it is wrong to call upon the name of the Lord, far from it! But dearly beloved it is time for believers to arise and stop the creature from groaning under fugitives and the children of Cain. It is time for us to build cities and take positions in places that matter. It is time for righteousness to rule on earth! Let us manifest.

God did not leave us here on earth so we could spend each minute of our lives praying. We are to manifest! We are to do exploits! It is time to come out of our shell and bring the groaning creature into the liberty that we are enjoying in Christ.

As you listen to this sermon, it is my prayer that you understand why we must manifest and that you step out to manifest.

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