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Daily Tonic || God Speaks Peace (2)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Psalm 85:8 “I listen carefully to what God, the LORD is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people…”

Yesterday, we began to discuss how God speaks the language of peace to us and how we must be sensitive pick God’s leading through our inner peace. But you see, it is possible to have emotional peace about a situation when God is not in it!

Romans 8:6 says, “To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace”. A translation of that verse places a contrast between the mind of the flesh (emotion) and the mind of the Spirit (discernment).

This implies that while there may be emotional peace over a matter, that peace usually doesn’t survive the test of time; it doesn’t last. The only kind of peace that endures is that which comes from the mind of the spirit, that is, by discernment.

When God is leading us in a direction, or speaking to us on a particular thing, there will be a definite, long-lasting peace in our hearts. I like the progression on Philippians 4:6-7:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

So you see, when you don’t know what to do, that passage says you should approach God with thanksgiving, prayer and supplication. When you do this, one of the major ways God responds in the language of peace.

Beloved, as you daily seek the face of God for directions, and as you make your requests, beseeching heaven for your daily needs, watch out for the nudging of peace. If there is no peace in your heart about a matter, I tell you, God is not there.

See what Isaiah 26:3 says, “Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee”

When we trust in God, and we are in His will. We have perfect peace. When we deviate from either of these, our peace is toppled. The ‘litmus test’ of peace is therefore a very good way to decipher whether we are in the will of God or not.

If you get an uneasy feeling each time you think about proposing to that lady, brother don’t go ahead!

If your heart is troubled each time you think about that brother’s proposal, say NO, not minding the fact that he’s tall, dark, handsome and rich!

If you get that sick feeling in your stomach each time you consider taking that job, please let it go!

One of the most basic ways by which God speaks to us is our inner peace, and we must train ourselves to be sensitive to it.


Father, please help me to be more sensitive to your voice and to the leadings of your Spirit as you speak to me through my inner peace in Jesus Name.


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