Text – Galatians 3:24-25 – “Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a school master”
As we further inspect the scriptural truth about Spiritual Laws, we must understand that a contradiction is of necessity a lie. If one assertion is true and another assertion disagrees with it, the second assertion cannot also be true. It must be a lie.
Let’s take two statements for example:
Statement 1: “George is a boy”
Statement 2: “George is a girl”
Statement 2 disagrees with statement 1
So if statement 1 is true, then statement 2 cannot also be true. It has to be a lie.
Since Titus 1:2 tells us that God cannot lie, and we know that contradictory assertions cannot both be true; it means no contradictory assertions can come from God.
As such, the right way to interpret scriptures is such that there are no contradictions at all. So long as there seems to be a contradiction, we are misinterpreting the mind of God.
This is the reason why we compare scripture with scriptures to validate the genuineness of our interpretation. When we interpret scriptures such that there are no contradictions anywhere, then we know that we have it rightly interpreted.
Going further, we must put the word, Law in proper perspectives. God gave three different types of laws to the Israelites in the Old Testament – Moral laws, religious ceremonial laws and civil laws.
One major issue with the usage of the word, Law (and its variants like ordinances, covenants etc.,) in the New Testament is that it is not always immediately clear which particular type of law is being referred to.
Until we thoroughly examine the context, and compare scripture with scripture, we may not realize that we have taken a scripture that applies to civil laws, and applied it to religious laws. In the coming days, we will examine the three types of laws and their stand in the New Testament.
A preacher once said, “There can be no contradictions in the Word of God. If there appears to be any contradiction, then it’s in our human mind that has been tainted by this world of sin”.
Just like the disciples of Jesus, even when everything looked glaringly to be the fulfilment of prophecy, the contradictions in their minds disallowed them from understanding it fully, until Jesus opened their understanding to comprehend scriptures (Luke 24:45)
That was why Paul also prayed for the Ephesians that the eyes of their understanding may be enlightened. This must be our prayer as we come to scripture, searching to understand the mind of God on different subjects.
Lord, please enlighten the eyes of my spiritual understanding to comprehend the mind of God and the eternal truths contained in Scriptures in Jesus Name.
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