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Isaac Jammeh

"What you cannot entrust someone with, you will continue keeping those things."

To some people It is very easy for them to believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, but to it is so hard for them to make him the Lord of their lives. Take note that accepting Jesus as Saviour is one thing and acknowledging him as the Lord over your life is also another thing.

Making Jesus Christ your Lord is when you totally surrender and entrust your very life including everything that belongs to you to Jesus.

The word salvation is not only limited to forgiveness of our sins but it is also the total wholeness in every area of our lives, be it in our career, health, marriage, finances, status etc. Sadly, many of us choose not to trust God in these areas of our lives.

Today, there is too much lack and poverty in the church, too many sicknesses in the church, too many divorces in the church, too many unemployed people in the church. To be honest, this not the abundant life that Jesus Christ promised the church.

Beloved, It is high time to say enough is enough and let us begin to walk and claim whatever good our heavenly Father has for us. This can only happen when we our trust and faith in him is equilibrium.

We have to walk from the mountains standing against our careers, health, financial, marital status, and begin to entrust them to Jesus Christ. Beloved, God will never force himself on you but it is left to you to trust and have faith in him.

In entrusting, you give your poverty, sickness, stagnation because they are nothing before God but keeping these can kill you or keep you in stagnation.

The Bible asks us not to come before our God empty handed, but sadly many Christians including myself are not faithful with our tithing and offerings.

Beloved! You will never live in poverty, lack and stagnation if you are faithful in giving.

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