Text- Galatians 6:7- "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”
There are certain laws that God has set on the earth; one of them is the law of sowing and reaping. This particular law is so serious that God while making a covenant with mankind after the flood said,
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."
– Genesis 8:22
It’s a law that cannot be violated so long as the earth remains, and this has very strong implications. Understand that this law is not talking about planting things in the ground alone; it encompasses every single thing we do with our lives.
See what the following verses have to say about sowing and reaping:
“As I have observed, those who plow evil, and sow wickedness, reap the same” – Job 4:8
“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love…” – Hosea 10 12
The two verses above show that what you are sowing is very important. I want you to see everything you do as a seed that will germinate into harvest someday. If you sow wickedness, you will reap the same, if you sow righteousness, you will reap mercy.
When you get to work today, and you’re handling the assignments given to you by your boss, think beyond the salary that you will receive at the end of the month; think even beyond the pleasure and satisfaction of your boss… Think about the seed you’re sowing.
When you’re dealing with your subordinates, understand that the way you treat them is a seed you are sowing. It may be your children that will reap it in their schools!
See, if there is anything in your life currently that you don’t like, check very well; it may be the product of a negative seed that was sown in time past. Uproot it, and begin to sow the right seeds.
Beloved, I want to admonish you today to be a conscious and a wise sower. Be wise with how you sow the seeds of your time, money, actions, dispositions, labor etc. They will be waiting as harvests in your future.
PRAYER I uproot every negative seed that is germinating evil in my life today in Jesus name, and I ask for wisdom to sow correctly into my future starting from today in Jesus Name.
Image Credit: obedogbonna.com