Text- Galatians 6:7- "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”
When we examine how the opening of the verse in our text, we will be quick that the law of sowing and reaping is a very serious matter.
The first statement we see is; “Be not deceived”. This statement carries with it the idea of certainty. It is more or less saying, don’t bother to rationalize it, or don’t think it can ever change. That is to say, the law of sowing and reaping is one that has no exceptions whatsoever.
After that, we see a much stronger statement, “God is not mocked”. This means God takes this particular law personal. Other translations put it this way, “God cannot be ridiculed”; “God cannot be put to shame”, “No one makes a fool of God”.
In other words, you may be able to fool men, but you cannot fool the God of just recompense. He is the direct supervisor of this law, and will ensure that you reap what you have sown!
This to me, is scary. It calls first for a re-evaluation of how we have lived our lives thus far, as well as carefulness with how we live henceforth, knowing fully well that God is taking note of everything, and that we will one day reap the harvests.
It is worth mentioning that the harvest we are talking about can be either on this earth or in eternity, or even in both, and that this harvest applies to every seed (of words, actions, resources etc.) we are sowing today, whether we do so consciously or unconsciously.
Now, let’s see another thing that Bible says about sowing and reaping
“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully”. - 2 Corinthians 9:6
The above verse indicates that it is not only what we sow that is important, but also how we sow; the measure with which we sow. Just as Jesus said in Luke 6:38, “…The amount you give will determine the amount you get back”
So then ask yourself, are you sowing sparingly or bountifully?
When you show kindness to people, do you do so partially or completely? When you give to God, do you do so frugally or plentifully?
When you carry out your duties to superior authority, do you do so halfheartedly or wholeheartedly?
Ask yourself many more questions today in line with this, and make adjustments where necessary. These things are very important; your future, and in fact posterity will be affected by it.
PRAYER I uproot every negative seed that is germinating evil in my life today in Jesus name, and I ask for grace to sow bountifully into my future starting from today in Jesus Name.
Image Credit: yardyum.com