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Daily Tonic || Who Is On The Lord’s Side?

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Exodus 32:26 “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, “Who is on the LORD'S side? Let him come unto me”. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.”

As I reflect on the height of depravity and perversity that has gradually crept into the 'Church' in this generation, I am convinced that it is not the same Gospel that I read in the Bible; same which was preached by the Apostles of old, that is being preached on many pulpits today, neither is it the same Gospel that is being practiced by the multitudes who today, claim to be Christians.

I still do not understand how some people read the Bible upside down, justify errors with scripture and still maintain a clear conscience. I know however, that there are still faithful men and women in this generation who have refused to bow to baal; men and women who have refused to compromise.

Beloved, are you one of us?

In this generation, where a Church board decided to ban children from coming to their Church services because their ‘Pastor’ is a pedophile, we need to ask “Who is on the Lord’s side?”

The ‘Pastor’ in question had been convicted in court for sexually abusing and raping children and was legally barred from being anywhere near kids. So the Church sided with him and banned children from their Church so that their beloved pedophile Pastor can ‘preach the word’ from their pulpit.

In this generation, where a pornographic actress preaches on TV and Pastors a Church with hundreds of congregants, we seriously ought to ask “who is on the Lord’s side?”

In this generation, some churches now deem it fit to officiate gay marriages and worse still, ordain gay pastors. Many more churches are joining this trend daily. Don’t you think we should ask, “Who is on the Lord’s side?”

Sometimes ago, I heard the story of a pastor who got on the pulpit, slammed the Bible on the floor in front of the congregation, and boldly declared "I didn't come here to preach this thing, I came to prophesy!"… The entire Church began to jubilate! How exactly did this kind of perversion creep into the Church?

Some 'preachers' now teach that believers can shun holiness and live anyhow they like because they are under the dispensation of grace. Some even go as far as to teach that unbelievers and pagans can possibly be saved without personal faith in Christ.

One so called Pastor reportedly said, “Look, Christ died for everyone and any sincere person, of whatever religion—even no religion, will go to Heaven... and will discover that they got to Heaven because of His death.”

I can go on and on and on... but you beloved, Where do you stand? On whose side are you? Will you embrace heresy or you will stick with truth? Will you join the compromise or you will stay on the Lord’s side? The choice is yours.


Today, I make a willful choice to stay and remain on the Lord’s Side. I will not compromise on scriptural truth and godly standards. When the Lord shall come, He will find me faithful on the earth.

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