My heart breaks anytime I see dedicated people who worship idols or give references to gods and I wonder why some Christians don’t take God so seriously.
There are certain festivals that one can clearly see the smile and diligence of idol worshippers. Others even carry graven images with so much pride. What are Christians doing?
Christians have God right in their hearts yet, some don’t even acknowledge Him neither His presence in their lives. Or Is it because you feel He is too close? See, we as Christians are not required to carry graven images of Jesus around to show that we are believers rather, all we need to do is to show Christ to the world in our actions, behaviors and words.
In this age of social media, technology has advanced to the point that we can sit at the comfort of our homes and access any site we want, including sermons, which is a very good thing. The sad fact is that, even on Sunday's some Christians prefer to stay home and log unto online churches. These Christians are not sick neither are they handicapped but they choose to embrace technology in the wrongest form "we don't really need to go to church, Church has been brought to my doorsteps."
Have you ever seen Idol worshippers log online to access their shrine? No! idol worshippers never take their meetings for granted neither joke with it.
As believers, much is expected from us. Let us be proud of Who we believe in- God.
Don't fool yourself because you can't say you love God if you can't boldly show the world that you believe in Him and can’t tell people about Him.
What many Christians want to do now is to go to church, live a holy life with the the aim of making heaven. There is more we can do! Go out there and preach the gospel, a lot of souls are out there perishing. If someone didn’t preach to us, How would we have known Christ?
Don’t be too selfish to proclaim the gospel. let the world hear your voice. If unbelievers are not ashamed of what they believe in, how much you a Christian who believes in the One True and Living God. Be able to proudly portray this at all times and in our day to day life. Always bear in mind that we have Someone in us who is the Lord of the universe.
Take God seriously!
Image Credit: preachit.org