How important are you?
It will amaze you to know that, how important you are, is a measure of Him.
You may just be like an undesirable and a stinky roughed skinned frog that has no glory to show forth; a frog leaps and opens its mouth all around for comfort at night and it dances and follows others with their tone to make unpleasant melodies as it croaks.
You may be like a filthy rag that has lost all it's beauty and only brings shame whenever it's sighted.
You may be more like a man who lives his life in immorality, staining his garment till it stinks.
Nevertheless, Jesus Christ died for frog-liked men, He died for men whose garments are filthy, He died for for the hopeless and all kinds of men.
Jesus Christ when compared to the rest of mankind is so low to his human nature(He is God, the son of God and the embodiment or incarnate of the Spirit of God at the same time), mortal to his immortality, very inferior to his superiority and unrivaled.
What an immeasurable distance between us!
Yet, He gave us His life and took ours, with no penny paid. He went through hell for our sake. Christ made YOU important!
I urge you today to walk as an important personality, carry his personality, live a good life, cooperate and live a holy and acceptable life and make Him proud as a light to the World.
You are so important!
Image Credit: dreamstime.com