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Chidera Jennifer Okorji

Life can push you to a point that you can doubt the integrity of God's word.

Life can push you to a point that you can loose your confidence and trust in God.

Life can push you to a point that you begin to look for faults in God.

Life can really push you to a point that you do foolish things and make foolish decisions not because you want to, but because that seems to be the only option.

Life can push you to a point that you begin to abuse God's grace upon your life.

Life can push you to a point that you can curse God because there is no more hope and trust in Him. Life can push you to a point that you can become very weak.

Life can push you to a point that you are tempted to take your own life.

What happens when you don't get results, what happens when your expectations are not met, what happens when you pray and pray especially when believers pray and agree with you or your pastors pray and prophets prophesy yet, your prayers are not answered?

What happens when you have the Bible in front of you filled with many promises yet nothing seems to be working for you? What about the part that you are a devoted Christian, a lover of Christ and a faithful servant yet, why has God decided to sit and do nothing while I suffer, why "me," why not an unbeliever, why "me"? Life can really mess with you to the point that you question God every day I tell you.

I may not understand what you are going through because I am not God but here is what I have to tell you, "Go through what you are going through." Not all problems are from God. You see, there is a level you can rise to that can attract the attention of hell. The devil knows how great you will become and he is trying to mess with your life. One thing he can bring your way to stop you from progressing in life is called 'fear.'

Fear observes people, fear knows those that it can and cannot deal with, fear is a dangerous spirit, fear gives access to other spirits, fear causes bondage, fear causes death, fear causes failure, fear causes limitations, fear causes disappointments, fear causes accidents. Fear makes you forget God's promises, fear can drain you physically, mentally, spiritually and socially and Fear causes weakness.

What Job feared the most finally caught up with him. Fear uses what you are afraid of to manipulate you, therefore, whatsoever you are afraid of be it failure, death, will happen because fear will use it against you. But God has given us power, love and a sound mind to deal with fear. Fear is a spirit and any spirit received can be rejected for God has not given us the spirit of fear.

Fear is of the devil. We are more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us and therefore we can conquer fear. One who conquers fear conquers so many spirits automatically. God has given us his grace and his Word so we are no longer a slave to fear, we are no longer victims of fear, we are no longer submissive to fear, we are children of God, we are sons and daughter of the most high.

So I tell you, go through what you are going through. Only God understands.You see you don't have to understand God before you walk in His way. When life decides to mess with you, never loose your joy. Don't let life defeat you, I tell you that you can wear life until you succeed. Before gold becomes valuable, it is tested through fire and I tell you this could be your staging of pruning. It is a price you have to pay, it is very painful, it takes time but the result is marvelous even the devil cannot do anything about it. Pay the price and watch how God will uplift you.

He said he knows the plans he has for you, he said that before you were formed he knew you and he called you his own. God words never goes back to Him unfulfilled. It may look like all hope is lost but he is with you and at the end of it you will have a story to tell a testimony to share and who knows your testimony can be the beginning of someone's breakthrough.

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