This is a story I got from my Spirit-man, please follow closely:
There was a rich man who had a son and as a father he was obliged to protect his son from all kinds of danger; the father prepared a mansion through his glorious riches, he tightened the home security as well as put guards at every door and at each corner of the house including washrooms. He did all these out of love in order for his child to be safe and saved from all danger. The Father provided His son with every necessary need and want and to him, his salvation was guaranteed.
Guess what! The son out of his curiosity to know what 'danger' his father was protecting him from, he decided to dip his finger inside an electric socket; the electric socket shocked him, threw him, he jumped from heights, got wounded and his action damaged his system.
The boy in the story was not saved even in his safety because he did not keep to safety. All the son did was to blame his father for giving some space for electric shock. He complained of why heights and elevations were in the compound instead of seeking the right knowledge of why it was placed there.
Brethren, Christ has given us the gift of salvation out of the father's rich love, expecting that we work things out in safety but instead, we break from being saved to playing over our safety precautions, falling into sin, blaming our father's for putting us in a situation to sin and blaming God for not saving us completely.
Hear this, Jesus Christ has come to save us but temptations will always come our way, so it is advisable to seek the right knowledge, feed your curiosity with God's word so that the gift of salvation may be kept. Use the sufficiency of grace,energy and might to overcome.
Salvation is a free gift for all who want to be saved but it requires sanctification.
If you are like that boy, make a decision to be saved or rededicate your life back to Christ and forever Christ loves you.
Image Credit: kbashir.org/why-salvation/